FFS Ratchet Shifter Stand

$293.83 USD

NOTE: This is for Shifter Stand ONLY. Ratchet Shifter & Switches SOLD separately. 

     Our custom Far From Stock shifter stand is built to put a race style rachet shifter up high in a convenient location for the driver in your full size truck. It's cnc laser cut from mild steel and is thin enough to be light but still have structure.

And of course, features our FFS logo.

     It is generally designed around the transmission tunnel as an attachment point and the console bolt that connects the seat to console in many second, third and fourth GEN ram trucks. However, it has some universal features, and should be able to be mounted with minimal modification in many trucks.

    It allows your arm to rest right on the console and still grip a pistol grip style shifter. In a third GEN it will allow you to keep your stock cup holders and t-case shifter base on the floor. NO COMPROMISE! This would not be considered 100% bolt in item but if you're converting your transmission its shifting to this style, we know you are used to a little fabrication or modification.
This stand is ideal with our mildly modified B&M pro stick shifter with our thumb/finger operated overdrive and lock up switches.

    It's available as a kit and is a little less $ that way. Come on, be a cool kid and step up to some performance based auto shifting with your modified truck. 

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