Cable Shift/Manual TV Adjustment Bracket

$214.50 USD

   Running a Cable Shifter & Manual TV adjusted 727, 528, 47re or similar?!? We have the fix for you. 
   This is the perfect solution for running a cable shifter, like our favorite stealth B&M pro stick (click here) and either a manual valve body (click here), or an auto controller like the Firepunk Anteater (click here) that require a constant pressure throttle valve adjustment to tune shift firmness. Will also work with 727, 518, and other names for the 727 trans with or without overdrive. 
   We made the bracket as convenient as possible to allow slip through install or removal of the cable or TV shaft so that transmission removal, valve body removal, servicing, or other maintenance work can be done without losing your trans shifter or pressing settings. No need to use the pan rail to mount the cable, especially with HD ribbed pans that require hacking the bracket that comes with the shifter up. 

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