DIY Standard 1 Ton Tie Rod Kit

$184.80 USD

This is just what the doctor ordered when you just jammed a rock with the stock 1/16" thick tie rod or a solid tie rod. These are 1.5" in diameter and .25" thick and can take a hit over and over again so do it right the first time! 

The Taper is .749"-.748", if you are replacing a smaller TRE you will want to ream the taper to .75".

You will receive:

This is a do it yourself style kit that requires welding by a competent person with the right equipment, don't skimp, do it right! You will need to check clearances with the steering at lock to see if you need to add any bends before you cut it down to clear diff covers, sway bar mounts,

Additional Products you may need to install this kit:

Tapered knuckle inserts. (Standard GM taper)

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