91-93 Dodge Truck Custom Leather Wrap Service

$548.90 USD

   Original steering wheel wearing smooth? How about sticky when it’s hot out? Just plain gross version of an otherwise cool wheel?
   We are offering a custom steering wheel wrap service for a 91-93 dodge truck steering wheel.
   I did this to my own truck build 8 years ago and it’s a favorite feature of the whole truck, because you touch and see it every time you drive. A little bit pricey, but it’s all hand labor and high quality genuine leather so that’s what it takes. And although older, it’s still holding up very well considering the abuse I put it through with dirty hands and less than scheduled cleaning. 
   We have some cores so we’re starting with them, and will take your wheel in exchange so you don’t have to be without one. We will have to add a core charge until we get yours back. 
   The horn button is optional depending on the look you like. It’s included in the price for now if you choose it, but will probably have to be an additional up charge once we get going on this. 
   You choose your general color, we will send you some samples and confirm, and we’ll get your leather based on that. After all that is done it’s likely a couple weeks till it ships. 
   Freshen up that project you are putting so much into in a place you can really see and feel it. 

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